Improve life outcomes
Free SEL Resources
Table of Contents
The Team at SiLAS has put together some free Social Animations, SEL Lessons and Parent Sheets. If you are a school district, teacher or parent, and would like a Free SiLAS account until the end of this school year, please fill out the google form at the bottom of the page.
Sincerely, Team SiLAS
Below are a few social animations that you can share with your colleagues, friends and students. If you have an idea for a script you would like to see as an animation, send your thoughts to info@silassolutions.com. We may just make it into a movie!
Why Can't I Have My Party |
Coping Skills |
Social Distancing |
Distance Learning |
I Am So Bored |
Dealing with Stress |
How Big Is Your Worry Bubble? |
How Can I Stay Healthy? |
Completing School Work At Home |
Why Can't I Go To The Playground? |
Why Can't I Hug Grandma |
Why Do I Have To Wear A Mask |
Martin Luther King's Dream |
Submit your Social Narrative to info@silassolutions.com
Below are teacher created SiLAS lesson plans to share with educators and parents alike. Our goal is to provide engaging, quality SEL lessons to share with teachers and parents. We encourage you to share these lessons and resources with your friends, colleagues and students' parents.
Current SiLAS Users: Login to your account. Access the curriculum under the Distance Learning Tab.
Guest Users: Use the link below to discover exciting ways to use our curriculum.
What Makes Me Angry (5 Day Lesson Plan)
Integrity (5 Day Lesson Plan)
Patience (5 Day Lesson Plan)
Personal Space (5 Day Lesson Plan)
Below are discussion points and activities for parents.