Diversity - 2


Lesson Plan

Goal: When encountering another person, the student will act respectfully towards the person who may be different in regards to race, cultural, language or religion in 8 out of 10 observable opportunities, as measured by a teacher assessment tool.

1. Use positive language/words that show being accepting/respectful of others regardless of their race, language, culture or religion.
2. Identify ways in which people can be different.
3. Identify up to 2 ways you can celebrate diversity within your class, school or community.

Definitions of Key Terms: Diversity means differences; people may be different in many ways, including race, ethnicity, age, disability, language, culture, appearance, or religion. Diversity is what helps make us all unique.


  • What makes people different?
  • What makes people the same?
  • Can being different make you feel sad?
  • What are some similarities between members of the class?
  • What are some differences?

Suggestion: Introduce the topic of diversity by reading the story The Sandwich Swap by Queen Rania Al Abdullah and Kelly DiPucchio Story read aloud here: https://youtu.be/BpGhq4hkYHc

  • How were Salma and Lily alike? How were they different?
  • How did Salma feel when Lily made fun of her differences? How did Lily feel when Salma made fun of her differences?
  • How does being different from someone make you feel?
  • Is it ok to make fun of others' differences?

Discuss with students simple differences between them. Use a Venn Diagram to illustrate the similarities and differences. Here are some possible differences to point out:

  • Hair color
  • Eye color
  • Favorite food
  • Height
  • Number of people in their family

Possible activities to review the discussion points or use your own:

Think. Pair. Share: The teacher will pose questions related to the discussion points. Explain to students that the purpose of the activity is to think about the question and activate prior knowledge. The teacher will model the procedure to facilitate student understanding.

  • T (Think): Teacher begins by asking a specific question using the discussion topics.
  • P (Pair): Each student should be paired with another student, small group or work with a teacher. Pairs write brief answers on sticky notes or scrap paper.
  • S (Share): Students share their thinking with their partner. Teacher then leads a whole-group conversation using students’ answers.

SEL Categories Activity:

  • Ask students to create a list of words associated with the topic (give them 2-5 minutes to complete).
  • Once time is up, ask each student to share a word or thought from their list.
  • Other students must cross that word or thought off their list.
  • Continue the process until all words or thoughts have been listed.

Directions for In-Person or Virtual Learning: You have three options for students to complete this lesson.

  • Option 1: Print the Student Activity Sheet for each student. Complete the lesson as a group and assign the activity sheet to the students.
  • Option 2: Click the Student link to access the activity sheet electronically and post to your Learning Management System (if your school has one) or send the link to the student. The student may complete the activity sheet electronically within the classroom on a shared computer or device.
  • Option 3: Click the Student link to access the activity sheet electronically and send the link to the student. The student may access the link from a home computer, chromebook, iPad or other device.

Activity 1: Create A Venn-Diagram

Review the key ideas from the discussion points. Show the picture above and ask students to share what differences and similarities they see in the two characters. Make a venn-diagram on the board or chart paper to record their answers.

Materials Needed:
  • Student Activity Sheet A - 1 per student
  • Chart paper or interactive board
  • Sheet of paper for each pair
  • Pencil for each student

Next, draw students’ attention to the similarities and differences within each of them. Pair students together and ask the pair to complete a venn-diagram (using a sheet of paper) based on their similarities and differences. If time allows, encourage the pairs to share their discoveries.

Ask students to complete Student Activity Sheet A. Discuss their answers when all students have finished.

Student Activity Sheet A

Study the image above. What are the differences and similarities of the characters?

List the Differences

List the Similarities

Activity 2: Acrostic Poem

Review the key points from the discussion and Activity 1. Using yourself as an example, print your name on the board or chart paper. Ask students to think of words that describe you where the first letter of the word is also a letter in your name. Create an acrostic poem together with the students.

Materials Needed:
  • Plain Paper - 1 per student
  • Pencil for each student

Ask students to think about what words they would use to describe themselves that match the letters in their names. Then instruct students to create their own acrostic poem with words describing themselves. Have them pay attention to their physical characteristics, family unit, favorite foods/activities, etc.

Ask for volunteers to share their poem when all students have finished.

Activity 3: Diversity Chart

Review the key points from Activities 1 and 2 with students. Using graph paper or the board, make charts or bar graphs counting the differences in the students’ physical attributes including eye color, skin color, hair color, hair texture, height, etc. Your graphs should represent the differences and similarities between the students. For older students, you can expand on demographics such as race, ethnicity, nationality, languages spoken, family generations in the town and/or country.

Materials Needed:
  • Graph paper or interactive board
  • Pencil for each student
  • Student Activity Sheet B

Discuss with students how they can celebrate diversity within their class, school and community. Be sure to include discussion on how to respond to someone who is different from them in a positive way using positive language.

After the charts are complete, ask students to complete Student Activity Sheet B. When all students have finished, discuss their answers together.

Student Activity Sheet B

1. What did you learn from the charts and graphs your teacher created?

2. What physical attributes did you identify with?

3. When you were included with the most attributes how did it make you feel?

4. When you were included with the least attributes how did it make you feel?

Lesson Extension: Listening Comprehension and Grammar Review

Explain that a script is a form of dialogue writing between characters in a movie, play, or broadcast. Students should listen carefully as the teacher plays the example scripts from the immersive reader. Replay the script if needed. Allow students time to answer the questions on Student Activity Sheet C.

Materials Needed:
  • Student Activity Sheet C - 1 per student
  • Pencil for each student
  • Student Activity Sheet D - 1 per student
  • Red and purple colored pencil or crayon

After students have finished, discuss the listening comprehension questions together.

After completing the listening comprehension portion of this activity, provide students a copy of Student Activity Sheet D. Point out to students the features of script text that indicate which character is talking. Remind students that this is a dialogue between characters.

Allow students time to complete Student Activity Sheet D.

Display the script using the immersive reader and highlight the nouns in the script. Students should self check their work to determine if they correctly named two nouns. Repeat for verbs and punctuation.

If time allows students may partner together and role play the script.

Example script demonstrating two people understanding diversity appropriately:
Anoop: Hi, my name is Anoop. What is your name?
Donny: My name is Donny. I've never heard of a name like yours. Where are you from?
Anoop: India.
Donny: I have never been to India. What is it like there?
Annop: India is usually very hot and sunny. But when it rains, it really rains hard and sometimes for days!
Donny: Wow! I didn’t know that. Let me introduce you to my friends.

Example script demonstrating two people not understanding diversity:
Anoop: Hi, my name is Anoop. What is your name?
Donny: My name is Donny. I've never heard of a name like yours. Where are you from?
Anoop: India.
Donny: Your name is really funny sounding. I never want to go to India.

Read Aloud Recommendations: Completing a read aloud with students is a great way to connect text with lesson content while incorporating reading and language practice. Below are suggested titles including, a YouTube link, Lexile and Grade Level information for books relating to the lesson.

Book Title Author Grade Level Lexile Level
Chrysanthemum Kevin Henkes K-2 570
Last Stop on Market Street Matt DeLa Pena K-3 AD610L
The Colors of Us Karen Katz K-5 570L

Student Activity Sheet C

Directions: Think about the script read/played for the class and complete the questions below.

1. Who are the characters in the script?

2. How does Donny show acceptance of Anoop?

3. How do you think Anoop felt when Donny made fun of his name?

Student Activity Sheet D

Directions: In the scripts below circle in purple two nouns that name a person and one noun that names a place. In red, circle two verbs. Underline the punctuation used.


A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea.

A verb names describe an action, a state, or an occurrence.

Example script demonstrating two people understanding diversity appropriately:
Anoop: Hi, my name is Anoop. What is your name?
Donny: My name is Donny. I've never heard of a name like yours. Where are you from?
Anoop: India.
Donny: I have never been to India. What is it like there?
Annop: India is usually very hot and sunny. But when it rains, it really rains hard and sometimes for days!
Donny: Wow! I didn’t know that. Let me introduce you to my friends.

Example script demonstrating two people not understanding diversity:
Anoop: Hi, my name is Anoop. What is your name?
Donny: My name is Donny. I've never heard of a name like yours. Where are you from?
Anoop: India.
Donny: Your name is really funny sounding. I never want to go to India.

Application Activity

Review and discuss example scripts from the lesson extension.

In small groups, have the students create scripts demonstrating using and not using strategies to achieve appropriate personal space. Use the script sheet to create students' scripts.

Materials Needed:

Have students record their scripts using SiLAS software for social skills. Remind students to name and save their work. Premiere the movies with the group members at the end of each session.

Script Extensions:

Click the following hyperlinks to have students choose their Characters, Background and Props prior to writing scripts. For examples of script writing accommodations, click Here.

Ideas for modifying this activity based on your students’ needs:

  • create a script as a class
  • pair or group students so that skill levels are varied and assign each a role or task that uses their skill
  • create the script by recording the dialog with a phone or other recording device.

Topic Checkout

Review the key points from previous activities and discussions. Ask students to complete the Student Topic Checkout. Discuss their answers when all students have finished.

Materials Needed:
  • Student Topic Checkout - 1 per student
  • Pencil for each student

Read Aloud Recommendations: Completing a read aloud with students is a great way for them to see and learn social skills as well as incorporating reading skills. Below are some books that could be used to reinforce the concept. Read and discuss as appropriate for level and as time allows throughout the lesson.

Utilize current classroom literature that demonstrates handling opposition.

Student Topic Checkout

Directions: Complete the following questions.

  1. In your own words, what is diversity?
  2. Explain the differences and similarities that you see between you and your classmates that you may not have seen before.
  3. If a new student came to your school tomorrow who was different from you and your classmates, what could you do to make them feel welcome?