Understanding My IEP - Vocational


Definition: IEP (Individualized Education Plan) - A legal document that describes the educational plan for a student with disabilities. It will talk about what skills you need to learn, what services will be provided to you, and where your learning will take place.

Key Terms:

  1. PLOP - (Present Levels of Performance) Includes your strengths and needs, written by your teachers.
  2. Transition Plan - Where you want to go after high school and how to get there
  3. Services - Special supports to help you reach your goals
  4. Accommodations and Modifications - Adaptations that can be made to lessons/tests etc. based on how you learn best.

Discussion Points

  • What can an IEP be used for? ( What you need to be successful in school, transition planning for post graduation, etc.)
  • Who should attend your IEP? (Once 14 the student, parent (s)/guardian, general education teacher, special education teacher)
  • Who is the most important person at an IEP meeting? (You are!)
  • What services, accommodations and modifications can be requested? (Discuss examples such as: extended time, preferential seating, special transportation, etc. )

Activity 1: IEP Scavenger Hunt

As students enter the classroom, the teacher will go around the room and provide everyone with a highlighter. (Teacher will not offer students a choice of what color they want)

Materials Needed:
  • Student Activity Sheet A
  • Copy of the Students IEP
  • Highlighters (pink, purple, yellow, blue, green, orange)

Afterwards, the teacher will ask students if they would have preferred to choose the highlighter they wanted instead of the teacher choosing for them. Ask students if they usually lead decisions made at their IEP meetings, or if the meeting leader/teachers. Emphasize how important it is for students to be able to make their own choices and express their wants and needs, particularly during their IEP meeting.

Next, students will be given a copy of their IEP and additional highlighters, so they have one of each color needed. Teacher will assist students in completing I. E. P. Scavenger Hunt activity together as a class. The teacher should discuss each section as they progress through it, including acronyms and vocabulary.

*** Important*** Keep highlighted IEP’s for Activity 2. IEP’s should always be stored in a locked file cabinet or locked desk when not in use for confidentiality purposes.

Activity 2: Library Scavenger Hunt

Students will use highlighted IEP as a reference to independently complete “My IEP Graphic Organizer”. Answers to questions (Activity Sheet B) should be placed in the corresponding color circle of the graphic organizer (Activity Sheet C) Questions, organizer and IEP are all color coded to assist students.

Materials Needed:
  • Student Activity Sheet B and C
  • Copy of highlighted IEP’s from Activity 1
  • Highlighters (pink, purple, yellow, blue, green, orange)

***IMPORTANT*** All IEP’s should be collected at the end of the lesson and shredded due to confidentiality.

Lesson Review

Allow students to complete the student lesson review sheet. Discuss answers when finished.

Materials Needed:
  • Student Lesson Review Sheet - 1 per student
  • Pencil for each student


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Student Activity Sheets A

Directions: Use the link below to open the Student Activity Sheet A.

Student Activity Sheet A

Student Lesson Review Sheet

Directions: To check your understanding of the lesson, answer the following questions.

1. At what age should you start to attend your IEP meetings?

2. What is one modification or accommodation you can request to have in your IEP?

3. What is something your transition plan would include?

4. Name at 3 people who should attend your IEP meeting?

5. What is one thing you learned about your IEP that you didn't know before this lesson?