My Person~Centered Plan - Vocational


Definition: Person-Centered Planning - The process of choosing services and supports for an individual’s future.

Key Terms:

  1. Person-Centered - Focusing on and respecting your wants or needs.
  2. Acquaintance - Someone you know, but not usually close to.
  3. Support - Encouragement or assistance someone gives you.
  4. Goals - A plan or idea about your future you try to accomplish.

Discussion Points

  • What can you use your completed Person-Centered Plan for? (IEP meetings, Job Interviews, Continuing Education, DVRS)
  • Who can you share your completed Person-Centered Plan with? (Teacher, employer, IEP meeting participants, school counselor)
  • How do you plan on delivering your plan? (Via e-mail, in person, mail)
  • What is the difference between a friend and an acquaintance?

Activity 1: You Have A Choice

Introduce students to the concept of “Person Centered Planning” by viewing the short video clip below (3 minutes)

Materials Needed:
  • Student Activity Sheet A
  • Writing Utensil
  • Dry Erase Board/Markers
  • Projector/screen, computer

After the video, survey the class on how many students feel like they have a voice in their IEP’s and decisions. Discuss the importance of each student identifying people in their life that can help support them, but ultimately, they are in charge of their hopes, dreams, and making them happen.

Pass out Student Activity Form A. Teacher can complete a sample “relationship map” together as a class, on a projector or dry erase board. (Example: A person in the closest circle to the teacher might be his or her parent, and in the outer circle a work acquaintance.)

Afterward, students can complete their own maps. Go around the room and have students tell about one person in their inner circle and one in their outer circle.

Activity 2: Great Things About Me

Teacher will provide each student with a copy of Activity Sheet B, and have them put their name on the top of the paper. Students will take their writing utensil, and walk to each students’ desk.

Materials Needed:
  • Student Activity Sheet B
  • Writing Utensil

(In an orderly fashion, described by the teacher) They will write one word that is a “good quality” about that person in the “Great Things About Me” section of their activity sheet. Once every student has the opportunity to write something about each of their classmates, they will return to their seats and complete the remainder of the outline. Teacher can complete one question from each section together as a class, before students begin working independently.

Activity 3: Person Centered Plan

(*Two day activity. Cannot be done without completing activities one and two first)

Teacher will put the sample Person Centered Plan on the projector for students, or give each a copy to refer to. Using the outline they completed in Activity Two, students will create a draft of their own person centered plan on Activity Sheet C.

Materials Needed:
  • Student Activity Sheet C
  • Teacher Example Sheet
  • Projector/Screen, Computer
  • Completed Outlines from Activity Two
  • Completed Relationship Circle from Activity One
  • Laptop or computer needed for each student on day two of activity.

If students have difficulty filling in all sections, they can take plans home for homework and have a person identified on their relationship map help with suggestions. For homework, students should bring in a picture of themselves to add to their plan. Once the teacher checks the plans, students can type their plans onto a template on another day.

Script Writing and Animation

Script Prompt: Pair students and have them take turns creating a conversation with each other pertaining to the scenario below. Students should name and record their scripts using SiLAS software, and save the final movie.

Materials Needed:
  • Script sheet for each group
  • Pencil for each student

Have students imagine that one of their teachers had a baby over winter break, and will be out for the rest of the year. One student will be the substitute taking her place, and the other will be playing themselves. (Then switch)

It is up to the student to help the substitute teacher get to know them. They can discuss the following topics, as well as some of their own:

  1. Likes/Dislikes
  2. Strengths/Weaknesses (Things they are good at, or might need help with)
  3. How they learn and communicate best
  4. Things that are important to them
  5. What they plan on doing after graduation

Lesson Review

Allow students to complete the student lesson review sheet. Discuss answers when finished.

Materials Needed:
  • Student Lesson Review Sheet - 1 per student
  • Pencil for each student


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Student Activity Sheets A

Directions: Use the link below to open the Student Activity Sheet A.

Student Activity Sheet A

Student Activity Sheets B

Directions: Use the link below to open the Student Activity Sheet B.

Student Activity Sheet B

Student Activity Sheets C

Directions: Use the link below to open the Student Activity Sheet C.

Student Activity Sheet C

Student Lesson Review Sheet

Directions: To check your understanding of the lesson, answer the following questions.

1. Name three people that you can count on to help support you?

2. What are five things your classmates like and admire about you?

3. What is the difference between a friend and an acquaintance?

4. Who do you plan on sharing your completed Person Centered Plan with?

5. What are your hopes and dreams for the future?