Healthy Living - Vocational


Definition: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and practicing habits that improve your health and well being.

Key Terms:

  1. Lifestyle - The way in which a person or group lives.
  2. Habit - Something you do regularly, that is hard to give up.
  3. Nutrition - Having the food necessary for health and growth.
  4. Moderation - Avoiding extremes or excess of something.
  5. Sedentary - Spending a lot of time sitting, being inactive.
  6. SPF - Sun protection factor.
  7. Hygiene - Maintaining good health through cleanliness.
  8. Stress - Mental or emotional strain.

Discussion Points

  • When choosing meal options, foods with high fat and sugar should be consumed in moderation.
  • Drinking a lot of water and eating breakfast are two healthy habits to follow every day.
  • Always wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher when going outdoors. (and waterproof if going swimming)
  • It is important to have “down time” and find time to relax and “destress”.
  • You should get a minimum of 8 hours, uninterrupted, sleep per night.
  • Avoid being sedentary- spend time outdoors doing something active.
  • Do not spend long hours in front of the television, computer or playing video games.
  • Remain tobacco, drug and alcohol free.
  • Always wash your hands (for at least 25 seconds) before cooking or eating, and after using the bathroom.
  • Maintain good hygiene. Bathe, brush your teeth and hair, put on deodorant daily.

Activity 1: Yes or No

After discussing key points with students, give each student a pair of scissors and a copy of Student Activity Sheet A. Have students cut out the 16 picture cards, and the yes and no cards. Once cards are all cut, place the yes and no cards down on the center of their desks, leaving some space between each. Have students read or look at the picture on each card, and place the cards into piles under “Yes” the activity/situation is an example of “healthy living”, or “no”, it is not. Go over answers as a class.

Materials Needed:
  • Scissors, Student Activity Sheet A for each student.

Activity 2: Choices

Activity Description: Pass out Activity Sheet B to each student. Have students write “_______________ is living healthy” in the center heart. Next, students can fill in connecting circles with choices they plan on making in order to live a healthy lifestyle.

Materials Needed:
  • Student Activity Sheet B, writing utensil

Script Writing and Animation

Script Prompt: Pair students and have them create a script giving an example of both a healthy and unhealthy living situation. Students should record their scripts using SiLAS software, and save the final movie.

Materials Needed:
  • Script sheet for each group
  • Pencil for each student

Lesson Review

Allow students to complete the student lesson review sheet. Discuss answers when finished.

Materials Needed:
  • Student Lesson Review Sheet - 1 per student
  • Pencil for each student


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Student Activity A

Directions: Click the link below and print out the pages. Cut out the 16 picture cards, and the yes and no cards. Once cards are all cut, place the yes and no cards down on the center of the desks, leaving some space between each. Read or look at the picture on each card, and place the cards into piles under “Yes” the activity/situation is an example of “healthy living”, or “no”, it is not.

Student Lesson Review Sheet

Directions: To check your understanding of the lesson, answer the following questions.

  1. Give two examples of unhealthy habits:
  2. Give two examples of healthy habits:
  3. How many hours of uninterrupted sleep should you get each night?
  4. You should always wash your hands before...
  5. You should always wash your hands after...
  6. The best sunscreen to use to prevent burns should have a minimum SPF of