Patience - Students 2


Table of Contents

Enter your first name:

Enter your last name:

Student Activity Sheet A

Directions: There are many things we can do to help us when we are in situations that require us to be patient. Here are some ideas:

Cut out the strategies that may work for you to help be patient. Practice these so you can use them when you need them.

Write what you can do when you need to be patient.

Student Activity Sheet B

Directions: Think about the script read/played for the class and complete the questions below.

1. Who are the characters in this script?

2. Where did Tori go?

3. How did Donny show patience inappropriately?

4. How do you think Tori felt when Donny interrupted him?

5. How do you feel when others interrupt you or talk when you are talking?

Student Activity Sheet C

Directions: In the scripts below circle two nouns in purple that name a person and one noun that names a place. In red circle two verbs.


A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea.

A verb names describe an action, state, or occurrence.

Example script of demonstrating patience appropriately:
Tori: I had a fun night last night. First, we went to McDonald’s. Then we went to see a movie.
Donny: That sounds fun!

Example script of demonstrating patience inappropriately:
Tori: I had a fun night last night. First, we went to McDonald’s. Then we went to see a movie.
Donny: (Interrupting Tori in the middle of talking) What did you do? Where did you go? Who did you go with?

Student Topic Checkout

Complete each sentence below:

1. A patient person is someone who

2. It is difficult to be patient because

3. I need to be patient when