Patience - Students 2
Table of Contents
Enter your first name:
Enter your last name:
Student Activity Sheet A
Directions: There are many things we can do to help us when we are in situations that require us to be patient. Here are some ideas:
Cut out the strategies that may work for you to help be patient. Practice these so you can use them when you need them.
Student Activity Sheet B
Directions: Think about the script read/played for the class and complete the questions below.
Student Activity Sheet C
Directions: In the scripts below circle two nouns in purple that name a person and one noun that names a place. In red circle two verbs.
A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea.
A verb names describe an action, state, or occurrence.
Example script of demonstrating patience appropriately:
Tori: I had a fun night last night. First, we went to McDonald’s. Then we went to see a movie.
Donny: That sounds fun!
Example script of demonstrating patience inappropriately:
Tori: I had a fun night last night. First, we went to McDonald’s. Then we went to see a movie.
Donny: (Interrupting Tori in the middle of talking) What did you do? Where did you go? Who did you go with?
Student Topic Checkout
Complete each sentence below: