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Jumpstart: Identifying Emotions - Universal
Jumpstart Universal SEL
CASEL Competency Focus: Identifying Emotions
Time: 20-30 minutes
Materials: Chalk/White Board, Dry Markers/Chalk, Emotion Situation Cards
1. Identify emotions in self and others.
2. State how his/her emotions affect self and others.
3. Use learned strategies to manage and express emotions in positive ways.
- Pose and respond to specific questions by making comments that contribute to the discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others.
- Continue a conversation through multiple exchanges.
- Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
Lesson Procedures
Introduction: Begin the lesson by asking students to draw what emotion they are feeling at the moment. Foster the conversation by either having students share their emotion and why they are feeling that emotion, or reflect on it silently. Share to the class/group no emotions are “bad.” It is the way we handle our emotions that can be appropriate or inappropriate. Discuss the different emotions and actions that accompany those emotions. What clues can we use to help understand what emotions others may be feeling?
Game Time: 25 Question
- Primary and Secondary Game: As the teacher, think of an emotion. Allow students to ask Yes or No questions to guess the emotion. Encourage them to ask questions about body language, facial expressions and other ways to determine how someone is feeling.
Application - Think! Pair! Share!
Primary and Secondary:
Students will have the opportunity to collaborate and discuss different emotions for different scenarios. Divide students into pairs or small groups. Once the students are divided, choose an Emotion Situation card. Read the card aloud to the class. In their groups or pairs, have students discuss possible responses. Choose one speaker from each group to share.
Try it out!
Primary and Secondary: With family or friends, have students take “selfies” showing different emotions. Encourage students to exaggerate facial expressions and body language. Students can share selfies with friends to guess the emotion or can be printed out for each student to have their own “feelings chart.”