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Jumpstart: Growth Mindset - Universal
Jumpstart Universal SEL
CASEL Competency Focus: Self-Management
Time: 20-30 minutes
Materials: Chart Paper/Interactive Board, Maze (Primary and Secondary)
1. Identify and acknowledge his/her mistakes.
2. Identify a challenge and state how it is a time to learn something new.
3. Try up to 2 different strategies to meet a goal.
- Pose and respond to specific questions by making comments that contribute to the discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others.
- Continue a conversation through multiple exchanges.
- Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
Lesson Procedures
Definition of Key Terms: Growth mindset is the belief that your brain can grow through hard work and dedication. It is believing a task that might be hard or challenging can be a chance to learn something new.
Introduction: Begin the lesson by sharing a personal example of using a growth mindset in your own life. Some examples;starting a new job, learning a language or any other scenario. Share an example of when you set a goal. Discuss the following questions/answers; What do you do when you make a mistake? Do you admit it to anyone? What do you do when you are trying something new or that might be hard for you? Do you give up or do you think differently about it? What is a growth mindset? What is a fixed mindset? Why is a growth mindset important? How can a growth mindset help you be successful in life?
Game Time: A-MAZE-ING Minds!
- Primary Game and Secondary Game: Logic puzzles, mazes and crossword puzzles are a great way to practice thinking with a growth mindset. Have students complete 1 of three mazes (based on ability) independently. Discuss the experience with students. Was the maze more difficult than you had expected? What emotions did you feel while completing the activity? Were you able to make it through the maze? What did you tell yourself when things became more difficult?
Application: Growing Together!
In a large group discuss what it means to grow (examples--develop, change, mature). Develop a list of things that grow. Record answers on chart paper or an interactive board, (such as plants, animals, and people). Explain to students that even our brains can grow. Explain that a growth mindset is having the attitude that our most basic abilities can be developed through hard work and dedication.It is believing a task that might be hard or challenging can be a chance to learn something new. With a growth mindset individuals are always working to develop their skills. Discuss that people with a growth mindset admit when they make a mistake. Talk about a time you made a mistake and acknowledged it.
Try it out!
Primary and Secondary: Encourage students to choose a new hobby or activity that may challenge their abilities. Compare and contrast how their thoughts on the activity changed from the first attempt at the activity to the last attempt. What did they notice? Was the activity more or less challenging than expected? Did they consider giving up? What is their biggest takeaway from the lesson?