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Jumpstart: Conflict Resolution 2 - Universal
Jumpstart Universal SEL
CASEL Competency Focus: Responsible Decision Making
Time: 20-30 minutes
Materials: Conflict Scenario Cards (Included), Resolution
Solution! Cards (Included), Timer/Clock with Second Hand, Paper, Writing Utensil
1. Identify a social situation as a conflict.
2. Identify situations or actions that may lead to conflict.
3. Use a learned strategy to resolve the conflict successfully.
Speaking and Listening
Language Writing
Definitions of Key Terms:
- Conflict: strong disagreement or argument
- Resolution: the making of a decision to do, or not do something
- Conflict Resolution: an agreement between two or more people to settle differences
- Attitude: the way of thinking or feeling about someone or something
Lesson Procedures
Introduction: Review the key terms. Explain that a person’s attitude toward a situation or person can have an impact on the conflict resolution process. Conflict is a part of life and is not always something negative. Taking a positive look at the situation often makes finding a solution easier and more effective. Having a negative attitude makes resolving a conflict difficult and uncomfortable. During this lesson, introduce students to possible positive aspects of conflict, such as; understanding another person’s point of view, working together can build or strengthen relationships, having the opportunity to grow and learn new things from others, etc.
Ask students to provide examples of a conflict they may have had at school or home. How did they solve the conflict? Next, provide examples on how to solve a conflict. These could include; compromising, taking a break from the conversation/situation and revisit when both people are calm, list facts in the situation, brainstorm solutions together, etc.
Game Time: List It!
Discussing conflict with a student can be challenging “in the moment.” Allowing students to share words and ideas in a low risk, game-like environment can provide insight into thoughts and feelings students may have during a conflict. Set a timer for 30 seconds. Explain to students they are to list words or draw pictures that come to mind when they think of the word “conflict.” Once the timer goes off or 30 seconds has passed, have students discuss items on their list.
Application: Resolve It!
This activity will provide students the opportunity to stop and think about possible resolutions to conflict by practicing different ways to solve it. Use the scenario cards (choose primary or secondary) and Resolution Solution! cards with students to problem solve and share what someone could have done in the given situation.
Try it out!
Keep Resolution Solution! cards displayed in the classroom. Refer to the cards when conflicts arise in the classroom or school setting. Create your own Resolution Solutions!