Identifying Anxiety - Assessment 3

Continued Growth


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Directions: Select the best answer.

1. Silas is worried that he will not do well on his science test. His palms begin to sweat. What would indicate he is anxious?

2. Donny is worried because he lost his lunch money and he doesn’t want his mom to be upset. His heart begins to race. What would indicate he is anxious?

3. Beth is nervous about going to her doctor's appointment. She is scared of needles and is afraid she will have to get a shot. She feels her heart beating hard. What would indicate she is anxious?

4. PJ is supposed to give a speech to his class. His stomach starts to get upset. What would indicate he is anxious?

5. Anya and her friend have had a disagreement. Anya is thinking of confronting her friend. She sits off by herself on the bench and cries. What would indicate she is anxious?
