Identifying Anxiety - Students 2
Table of Contents
Enter your first name:
Enter your last name:
Student Activity Sheet A
Student Activity Sheet B
Student Activity Sheet C
Student Activity Sheet D
Directions: In the scripts below, circle in purple two nouns that name a person and one noun that names a place. Circle in red two verbs.
A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea
A verb verb describes an action, a state, or an occurrence.
Example script of identifying anxiety:
Mr. B: Good morning Silas. I see you are restless.
Silas: Yes, and my stomach hurts. I just want to be alone.
Mr. B: Silas, I think you are feeling anxious. How about we take a walk.
Example script of dealing with anxiety inappropriately:
Mr. B: Good morning Silas. I see you are restless.
Silas: Yes, and my stomach hurts. I just want to be alone.
Mr. B: I think you are just making it up. You are fine.
Student Topic Checkout
Directions: Determine if the individual in each situation below is feeling anxious. Write one or two sentences to support your answer.