Improve life outcomes
Greeting a Peer
Prior to the probing and data collection of this goal, the student will need modeling as to how to greet a peer in Silas. This modeling can be accomplished by other adults as well as students. Additionally, a variety of peer greetings should occur throughout intensive teaching showing students a variety of phrases to use when greeting a peer, i.e. hello _____, my name is, ______. This needs to be accomplished in order to establish accurate baseline data as well as provide the student the language skills to perform/complete the task. Baseline data is established when 3 trials of the skills are attempted and the data is recorded that unprompted, correct responses are recorded. Then, the practice/treatment plan and data collection to “master” the skill is established.
Goal 3:
The student will verbally be able to greet a peer using a “familiar phrase” independently for 8 out of 10 trials within the Silas software. (This goal should incorporate the other skills practiced previous, having appropriate proximity as well as eye contact since it is observable and measurable using the Silas software, it should not be recorded as a “yes” unless all aspects of the greeting process occur.)
Goal 3 Generalization:
The student will be able to greet a peer using a “familiar phrase” when presented with 5 different peers, for 3-5 peers and a minimum of 2 different environments over 8 out of 10 trials.
Once the teacher/peer is situated with the student in the Silas software in an age-appropriate setting that is a part of a student's schema or prior knowledge, the teacher and/or peer will be present within the scene. The teacher/peer should begin to walk toward the learner and/or engage in some form of activity. The learner should approach the peer, with appropriate proximity, eye contact and greet the peer using a “familiar phrase.” Some examples would include but are not limited to:
- Hi ___________! (say child’s name)
- Hi, __________ (say child’s name). I am excited to be at the ________ with you.
- Hi, __________ (say child’s name) look at me!
- What’s up _______________? (say child’s name)
- How are you __________?
Once the learner completed these 3 steps, eye contact, proximity and greeting a peer, this would be considered a “yes” in data collection. Please note that the other peer in the scene should be a prompt enough for the student to approach him/her and greet them. Additionally, it is important to vary this skill over time so that the student learns that others can greet initially in social situations. The teacher should also exercise caution in utilizing verbals prompts as the student could engage in prompt dependency when told to “say hi.” Instead, consider using another prompt if the student doesn’t engage in the behavior initially, i.e. the peer in Silas approaching the other student and providing a “delayed” prompt before greeting the peer.
Protocols for intensive teaching in Applied Behavior Analysis requires a student to be able to transfer skills practiced in the Silas software to real-life situations. This curriculum and goals should be repeated in real life situations to ensure generalization and transfer. This exact, goal, protocol and procedure should be transferred into the natural environment using the same prompting and data collection methodology.