Winning and Losing - Students 2

Enter your first name:

Enter your last name:

Student Activity Sheet A

Directions: Write about a time when you lost an event, sport, or an activity and you did not handle it well. Make suggestions on how you could have handled losing better.

Student Activity Sheet B

Directions: Study the comic strips below. Circle the answers that show the characters winning and losing appropriately.

Student Activity Sheet C

Directions: Think about the script read/played for the class and complete the questions below.

    1. Who are the characters in this script?

    2. What game are they playing?

    3. How do you think Beth felt when Chris cheated?

    4. How do you feel when you lose a game?

Student Activity Sheet D

Directions: Directions: In the scripts below, circle in purple two nouns that name a person and one noun that names a place. Circle in red two verbs.


A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea.

A verb names describe an action, a state, or an occurrence.

Example script demonstrating winning and losing appropriately:
Chris: I like to play chess. It is fun!
Beth: Sure is!
Chris: I won but it was a good game for both of us.
Beth: Thank you for playing with me. I think I am getting better by playing it with you!
Chris: No problem. Do you want to play again?

Example script demonstrating winning and losing inappropriately:
Chris: I won the game! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Beth: No, you didn’t win. You cheated!
Chris: I am so much better at chess than you.
Beth: (yelling) I’m better.
Chris: No, I’m not playing with you ever again!

Student Topic Checkout

Directions: Complete the following questions.

1. What does it mean to win?

2. What does it mean to lose?

3. How do you win appropriately?

4. How do you lose appropriately?