What Makes Me Angry - Student 2
Enter your first name:
Enter your last name:
Student Activity Sheet A
Directions: It is important to understand the signs your body gives you to help you know you are getting angry. Think about what signs your body gives you that you are starting to become angry. Check or circle the signs below.
Think about what signs you body gives you that you are starting to become angry. Check or circle the signs below.
Are there other warning signs that let you know you are getting angry? List them below.
Student Activity Sheet B
Directions: What are your anger buttons? Think about what makes you angry. Here are some ideas.
Being teased | Being told no |
Not getting to do what I want | Schoolwork |
When the room gets too noisy | Not being first |
Unfair rules | Losing a game |
Write what your anger buttons are.
Student Activity Sheet C
Directions: Coping skills are strategies we use to help us calm down. Look at the coping skills below. Which ones help you calm down when you are becoming angry? Cut out the ones that help you the most. Put them in a place where you can use them when you start to feel angry.
Examples: tape on students' desk, wear them on a lanyard
Student Activity Sheet C can be found at: https://www.silassolutions.com/files/Silas/Lessons/51.pdf
Student Activity Sheet D
Directions: Think about the script read/played for the class and complete the questions below.
1. Who are the characters in this script?
2. What is the problem in the script?
3. What coping skill did Tori use?
4. How do you think Anya felt when Tori became angry at her?
5. How do you feel when someone becomes angry with you?
Student Activity Sheet E
Directions: In the scripts below, circle in purple two nouns that name a person and one noun that names a place. Circle in red two verbs.
A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea
A verb verb describes an action, a state, or an occurrence.
Example script of dealing with anger appropriately:
Tori: Hey Anya I really wish I could go first in line today.
Anya: I’m sorry, it’s my day to go first.
Tori: (counts backwards from 10) Ok, maybe I can go first tomorrow.
Example script of dealing with anger inappropriately:
Tori: Hey Anya I really wish I could go first in line today.
Anya: I’m sorry, it’s my day to go first.
Tori: (angrily) No, I want to go first! (shoves Anya out of the way)
Student Topic Checkout
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. Warning signs that show me I am getting angry are:
2. Draw or write what your anger buttons are.