Stranger Danger - Vocational Student

Enter your first name:

Enter your last name:

Student Activity Sheet A

Directions: Read the list of people below. Identify whether they are Strangers, Acquaintances, or Friends/Family and type them in the appropriate boxes.

Nurse Person sitting next to you at the movies
Mom Babysitter
Man in the park with a puppy Teacher
Ice Cream Man Bus Driver
Cousin Neighbor (you say hi from time to time)
Best Friend Woman with candy
Grocery Store Worker Person at bus stop with you
Uncle Grandma
Police Officer A person you know from playing
online video games with




Student Activity Sheet B

Scenario 1: It is after school and you are sitting on the football bleachers with your friends when it starts to lightning and thunder. Your principal comes outside and instructs for you to come into the school where it is safe until someone can pick you up.

Scenario 2: A person drives up next to you in a car and tells you that your dad has been hurt in an accident and you need to come with them immediately.

Scenario 3: You get separated from your parents at an amusement park, and your cell phone battery dies. You ask a park employee to help page your parents.

Scenario 4: You are walking home from school and a man offers to show you his new puppy in his car just across the street.

Scenario 5: You are jogging around your neighborhood and a woman offers you some water because you look hot.

Scenario 6: You are at the dentist and the dental hygienist asks you if you want a toothbrush and floss to take home.

Scenario 7: You are at home alone after school and someone you don’t know rings the doorbell.

Scenario 8: Your mom cannot pick you up from school today so your aunt comes to pick you up instead.

Scenario 9: You meet a new person online playing video games. This new friend asks you to meet them at a local park in a secret location.

Scenario 10: Your school bus breaks down on the way home from school, and you are the only one left on the bus. The driver stays with you until help arrives.

Student Lesson Review Sheet

Directions: To check your understanding of the lesson, answer the following questions.

1. What is the difference between a friend and an acquaintance?

2. Why should someone you talk to on the internet, but never met in person, be fully trusted as a friend?

3. Name three people that are “safe” adults you can trust:

4. Give two examples of people you would consider an acquaintance:

5. Give two examples of people you would consider to be a stranger: