Sharing - Students 1

Enter your first name:

Enter your last name:

Student Activity Sheet A

Directions: Draw a picture of a time you had to share but didn’t really want to.

When I had to share I felt

Student Activity Sheet B

Directions: Draw a comic to match the script you listened to.

Student Topic Checkout:

Directions: Check or circle the best answer to show if each situation demonstrates sharing.

1. Dr. Sally brought cookies to share with the class.

2. Donny took all the cake for himself.

3. PJ hid all the Legos so no one else could play with them.

4. Tori lost her pencil. Beth gave her one to use.

5. Officer Dave gave each of the kids at the park a turn at being pushed on the swings.

6. Silas stretched out on the couch so no one else could sit down.