Self~Advocacy - Voc Assessment


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Directions: Select the best answers below.

1. Samantha went to visit the office of disability services at her new college for assistance. Samantha was __________ for herself in this situation.

a. Advocating
b. Accommodation
c. Modification

2. Billy asked his teacher if he could turn in a project instead of a report. Billy was requesting a(n) _________ from his teacher.

a. Accommodation
b. IEP
c. Modification

3. Brett asked his teacher if he could have a word bank to help him with the fill in the blank section of his test. Brett was requesting a(n) _________ from his teacher.

a. Advocating
b. Accomodation
c. Self-Awareness

4. Sherri attended a(n) _________ meeting where a team of her teachers, counselor, parents and meeting leader discussed what services would be helpful in order for her to be successful in school.

a. IEP
b. Modification
c. Self-Awareness

5. Tiffany knew she could not pass her math test without having extra time to take it. Tiffany showed _________ of her needs in this example.

a. Advocating
b. Self-Awareness
c. Accomodation