Saying "No" - Students 2

Enter your first name:

Enter your last name:

Student Activity Sheet A

Directions: Provide a response for how you would say “no” if you were in the presented situations.

If your friend wants you to lie to your mom

If your mom asks you if you want brussel sprouts

If your teacher asks you to be in the school play

Student Activity Sheet B

Directions: Create a situation where one of the characters below would need to say “no”. Write the responses in the blank spaces. Share and explain your comics when you are finished.





Student Activity Sheet C

Directions: Think about the script read/played for the class and complete the questions below.

1. Who are the characters in this script?

2. What does Ken want Silas to do?

3. Does Silas allow Ken to come over when his mom is not home?

4. How do you think Silas felt telling Ken “no”?

5. How do you feel when you have to tell others “no”?

Student Activity Sheet D

Directions: In the scripts below, circle in purple two nouns that name a person and one noun that names a place. Circle in red two verbs. Underline the contractions. BONUS: write out the two words that make each contraction.


A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea.

A verb names describe an action, a state, or an occurrence.

A contraction is a word made from shortening or combining two words.

Example script of saying “no” appropriately:
Ken: Hi Silas. Do you want to come out with me and our buddies after school?
Silas: Uhm, I’m sorry I can’t. My mom wants me to go home after school.
Ken: Okay then we will all just come to your house.
Silas: Sorry. My mom said that is not allowed when she isn’t home.

Example script of saying “no” inappropriately:
Ken: Hey, let’s go to the mall.
Silas: Nah
Ken: What?
Silas: I’m not going. Don’t ask again.

Student Topic Checkout

Directions: Complete the following questions.

1. What does saying “no” to peers and friends mean?

2. What are the two ways that you can say “no” to peers and friends respectfully?

3. List two or more situations when you would need to say "no" to peers and friends?

4. Why is saying "no" to peers and friends so important?