Problem Solving - Students 2

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Enter your last name:

Student Activity Sheet A

Directions: Using the problem card given to you by your teacher use this problem-solving sheet to help you solve the problem.

Define the problem– What problem are you trying to solve?

Brainstorm ideas – What are some ways to solve the problem?

Decide on a solution – What are you going to do?

Implement the solution – Try your solution.

Review the results – Did you successfully solve the problem?

Student Activity Sheet B

Directions: Think about the script read/played for the class and complete the questions below.

1. Who are the characters in this script?

2. What did Dr. Sally lose?

3. What did Officer Dave suggest they do as the first step to solve the problem?

4. Where is the first place Officer Dave and Dr. Sally decide to look for the keys?

5. How do you think Officer Dave feels when Dr. Sally cannot calm down to develop a plan?

Student Activity Sheet C

Directions: In the scripts below, circle in purple two nouns in purple that name a person and one noun that names a place. Circle in red two verbs. Underline sentences that are questions.


A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea.

A verb names describe an action, a state, or an occurrence.

Example of effective problem solving:
Dr. Sally: Good afternoon Officer Dave. I have lost my keys! Could you help me?
Officer Dave: Sure, let’s stop and think about where they might be. Where have you gone today?
Dr. Sally: First I went the the park and then I went to the cafeteria.
Officer Dave: We should start at your first stop, the park. Then if the keys are not there, we can try the cafeteria.
Dr. Sally: Let’s go look in the park.
Officer Dave: Great, let’s go.

Example of ineffective problem solving:
Dr. Sally: (angry and yelling) I have lost my keys! My life is just awful!
Officer Dave: Calm down Sally. Let’s try to take some deep breaths and try to think.
Dr. Sally: (angry, yelling and waving arms) I can’t, I’ve lost my keys!

Topic Checkout

Directions: Fill in the blanks with a word from the word bank.

steps problems situation solve question

1. Everyone has and the ability to them.

2. A problem is a that needs to be answered or a that creates difficulty.

3. I can take to successfully solve problems.

implement review brainstorm decide define

4. the problem – What problem are you trying to solve?

5. ideas – What are some ways to solve the problem?

6. on a solution – What are you going to do?

7. the solution – Try your solution.

8. the results – Did you successfully solve the problem?.