Problem Solving - Parent 1


Your student is participating in classroom activities helping them learn what is problem solving and how to use problem solving ideas. We would love for you to keep the discussion going at home!

Definition: Problem solving means finding solutions to difficult tasks or situations. It means defining what the problem is, telling what the cause of it is, thinking of solutions and using a solution to problem solve.

Here are just a few ideas to help get the conversation started:

  • What are some problems you face at school? At home?
  • What are some steps you can take to help you solve your problem?
  • Share a problem you recently faced and how you solved it.
  • In class, students discussed the size of a problem and how that often affects how much help they need from others to solve it. We discussed problems in the following sizes: small, medium, and big.


Discuss with your child the following situations. Discuss and decide if the problem is a small, medium, or big problem. Talk about ideas of how to solve each problem. You can make up your own different sized problems to discuss as an option.

  • You are at Walmart and you can’t find your parents.
  • You can’t find your favorite toy.
  • You want to go to your friends house but your parents said no.
  • Your sister took your favorite seat in the car.