Post Secondary Options - Voc Assessment


Enter your first name:

Enter your last name:


Directions: Select the best answers below.

1. Jaden would like to explore new places and help protect people.

a. University
b. Community College
c. Military

2. Sandra wants to become a physical therapist, which will take her six years of additional schooling after she graduates.

a. University
b. Trade or Tech School
c. Apprenticeship

3. Theresa wants to try college, but wants to stay local and not sure what she wants to become yet.

a. University
b. Community College
c. Military

4. Bryon would like to become a plumber or electrician.

a. Community College
b. Apprenticeship
c. Trade or Tech School

5. Amy would like to start working immediately after graduations, and would rather learn on the job, rather than attend more schooling.

a. University
b. Apprenticeship
c. Military