Personal Space - Students 2

Enter your first name:

Enter your last name:

Student Activity Sheet A

Directions: Write or tell a story about a time when someone didn’t respect your personal body space and describe how it felt.

Student Activity Sheet B

Directions: Study the comic strips below. Circle the answers that show characters respecting each other’s personal space.

Student Activity Sheet C

Directions: Think about the script read/played for the class and complete the questions below.

1. Who are the characters in this script?

2. What new item did Darren get?

3. How is Darren invading Silas’s space?

4. How do you think Silas feels when Darren is invading his space?

5. How do you feel when others invade your space?

Student Activity Sheet D

Directions: In the scripts below, circle in purple two nouns that name a person and one noun that names a place. Circle in red two verbs.


A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea.

A verb names describe an action, a state, or an occurrence.

Example script demonstrating two people using strategies to achieve appropriate personal space:
Silas: Hi, Darren. How are you?
Darren: I'm fine. I just got a new video game.
Silas: Would you like to play it together?
Darren: Sure. (Darren sits down next to Silas)
Silas: Darren could you please move over? You are sitting too close to me.
Darren: Of course I can.

Example script demonstrating two people not using strategies to achieve appropriate personal space:
Silas: Hi, Darren. How are you?
Darren: I'm fine. I just got a new video game.
Silas: Get off me!
Darren: What are you talking about?
Silas: You are always leaning on me! Get away from me!

Student Topic Checkout

Directions: Answer the following questions.

What is personal space?

What distance should we maintain between ourselves and a communication partner?

What does it mean when you invade someone’s personal space or body bubble?

How do you think people feel when you invade their personal space?