Patience - Assessment 3


Enter your first name:

Enter your last name:


Directions: Select the best answer.

1. Silas would like to go to his friend's house. His mom is on the phone. He should:

a. Yell at her that he is leaving.
b. Wait quietly nearby.
c. Leave the house without telling her.

2. Donny is in a hurry to get to class. He stops by the water fountain to get a drink. There is a line. What should he do?

a. Push his way to the front.
b. Ask the person at the front of the line to let him go because he is late.
c. Get in line and wait his turn in line.

3. PJ is walking in the park. He notices an injured child. He sees Officer Dave talking to another officer. What should he do?

a. Interrupt Officer Dave nicely.
b. Wait for Officer Dave to finish talking.
c. Ignore the injured child.

4. Beth is at the doctors office. There is a long wait. What should she do?

a. Start yelling at the office staff to hurry up.
b. Continuously ask the office staff how much longer it will take.
c. Read a magazine until her name is called.

5. Anya is in class listening to her math teacher. She sees smoke in the hallway. What should she do?

a. Ignore the smoke.
b. Interrupt her teacher.
c. Raise her hand and wait for her teacher to finish.