

Prior to teaching this skill, student must be able to orient and attend to another individual.

Goal 1:

The student will be able to imitate a one step motor action (with or without an object).

Goal 1 Generalization:

The student will be able to imitate a one step motor action (with or without an object) for a minimum of 5 actions across 2 different peers and 3 different environments within Silas.


Whole Group or Small Group

  1. Whole Group or Small Group
    1. Silas Says
      • Teacher will engage students by asking them to play a game
      • Teacher will explain that students must watch closely so that they can copy the actions
      • Teacher will only say “Silas says do this”
        • If necessary, teacher will eliminate simon says and only say “do this”
      • Teacher will lead the class in the game
      • Teacher will only demonstrate one-step actions each time they say “do this” (e.g. clapping, jumping, turning around)
  2. Teacher will explain that students are going to play this game in pairs and play the same game with one action at a time
    1. Students will break into pairs to play “Silas Says”
    2. Australia
    3. Student A will first lead by instructing student B to “do this”
    4. Pairs will swap
    5. Each pair will record themselves on the first run through
    6. If appropriate, pairs will watch their videos and assess if they followed directions correctly and completely
  3. To close the lesson, teacher will check in with each pair to play a quick round of Silas Says.