Identifying Anxiety - Students 3

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Student Activity Sheet A

Directions: Read the following situations. Answer the question for each.

1. Silas is worried he will not pass his math test. He begins to cry. How do you know he is anxious?

2. Tori thinks she will not be invited to the birthday party. She feels very alone and sits on the bench by herself during recess. How do you know she is anxious?

3. Germs make Donny anxious. When someone bumps into him in the hall, he brushes and blows the germs off. Donny often begins to yell at the individual. How do you know he is anxious?

Student Activity Sheet B

Directions: Answer the question.

Share about a time you were around someone who was anxious. How did this make you feel? How did you react? What strategies did you try or could try?

Student Topic Checkout

Directions: Write about time when you were anxious. Describe the incident and how it made you feel. Lastly, describe the strategies you may or may not have used to cope.