Handling Emergencies - Voc Assessments


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Directions: Select the choice you should not do to handle the following emergency situations:

1. Severe Bleeding

a. Leave wound open to heal
b. Call 9-11
c. Wrap a clean bandage around the wound

2. Severe Burn

a. Call 9-11
b. Apply a cool liquid with a cotton ball to the burn area
c. Cut off any clothing close to the burn

3. Broken Burn

a. Move the injured limb to a comfortable position
b. Apply an ice pack wrapped in a cloth
c. Call 9-11

4. Fire

a. Open a window to let smoke out
b. Stay low to floor and exit the home/ building
c. Call 9-11

5. Home Intruder

a. Stay put and hide quietly
b. Sneak up on the person and hit them with a heavy object
c. Call 9-11