Eye Contact - Assessment 2


Enter your first name:

Enter your last name:


Directions: Select the best answer to each question below.

1. What is eye contact?

a. When you look at the floor.
b. When you look at the wall.
c. When you look at someone’s eyes.

2. We should look at others when:

a. We are upset with them.
b. When we are talking with them.
c. When we are tired.

3. Silas and Donny are talking during lunch. Silas is looking at the wall and not Donny. Is Silas demonstrating appropriate eye contact?

a. Yes
b. No

4. Mr. B is talking with the class. Anya is busy looking out the window. Is Anya demonstrating appropriate eye contact?

a. Yes
b. No

5. Beth is telling Dr. Sally about her weekend. Dr. Sally and Beth are looking directly at each other. Are they demonstrating appropriate eye contact?

a. Yes
b. No