Empathy - Student 1

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Student Activity Sheet A

Directions: Read each scenario. Check thumbs up if it demonstrates empathy. Check thumbs down if it does not demonstrate empathy.

Scenario 1:
Donny: Hey Tori, wanna come play soccer with us?
Tori: Sorry, I wish I could but I really hurt my leg the other day. I can’t play soccer but I would love to play another game.
Donny: Geez, that stinks! Oh well, we’re gonna go play see you later!

Scenario 2:
Donny: Hey Tori, wanna come play soccer with us?
Tori: Sorry, I wish I could but I really hurt my leg the other day. I can’t play soccer but I would love to play another game.
Donny: Wow I’m so sorry Jenny, I didn’t realize it was that bad. Hmm, you know what, we don’t have to play regular soccer, we can change the game so you can still play with us. How about we sit on the grass and use our hands to pass the ball back and forth.
Tori: That would be great, I would love that!

Scenario 3:
PJ: Hey Silas, what’s wrong?
Silas: My dog Ellie is lost, we can’t find her anywhere.
PJ: My dog Rex is awesome, he can catch frisbees in the air and he can jump really high! Man I can’t wait til school is over so I can go home and play with him. You can come over and play with him if you’d like.
Silas: Yeah, uh no thanks...

Scenario 4:
PJ: Hey Silas, what’s wrong?
Silas: My dog Ellie is lost, we can’t find her anywhere.
PJ: Aw man, I’m so sorry. Hey do you mind if I come over after school to help you look for her? We can put signs up around town together and ask the neighbors if they’ve seen your dog.
Silas: Really?! Wow, that would be a big help, I didn’t think of that.
PJ: If we work together, I’m sure we’ll find her.

Student Activity Sheet B

Directions: Draw a picture to show how you could help a classmate who is scared.

Student Topic Checkout

Directions: Circle thumbs up if the statement is correct. Circle thumbs down if the statement is incorrect.

1. Empathy is the ability to understand and share feelings of another person.

2. Empathy means you don’t try to understand how someone is feeling.

3. Empathy means you try to see a situation from others point of view.

4. Laughing at someone who is lonely shows empathy.

5. Ignoring how someone feels shows empathy.