Diversity - Student 1

Enter your first name:

Enter your last name:

Student Activity Sheet A

Look at the picture. What is different between the two kids. What is the same between the two kids?

List what is different:

List what is the same:

Student Activity Sheet B

Using the information from the chart or graph, name one item that is the same about your classmates. Name one item that is different about your classmates.

Student Activity Sheet C

Using the information from the chart or graph, name one fact about your class or classmates.

Student Topic Checkout

Directions: Read each statement. Check thumbs up if the statement is correct. Check thumbs down if the statement is incorrect.

1. Diversity means things or people are the same.

2. People can be different in many ways.

3. All people are of the same race and ethnicity.

4. People come from different cultures and may speak a different language.

5. It is good if classmates and friends are different from me.