Cooperation - Students 1

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Student Activity Sheet A

Directions: Draw a picture of a time you had to use cooperation.

I used cooperation when

Student Activity Sheet B

Directions: Draw a comic to match the script you listened to.

Student Topic Checkout Sheet

Directions: Check or circle the best answer to show if each situation demonstrates cooperation.

1. Tori and Anya work together to complete a class project.

2. PJ hogs the ball and doesn’t let anyone else on his team have a chance to play.

3. Silas trips and falls in the hallway. He drops all his books. Donny rushes over and quickly helps him pick them up.

4. Dr. Sally asks for the class to help her in picking up the papers she dropped. Everyone runs out to recess instead.

5. Mr. B. and Officer Dave plant flowers in the local park.

6. Chris must pick up all his legos before going outside to play. Donny rushes outside and doesn’t wait for Chris.