Handling A Bully - Student 3

Enter your first name:

Enter your last name:

Student Activity Sheet A

To be considered bullying behavior, it must be aggressive and include:

  • An Imbalance of Power: Use of power such as physical strength, knowledge of embarrassing information, or popularity to control or harm others
  • Repetition: Bullying behaviors happen, or have the potential to happen more than once.

Directions: Determine if each situation is bullying. Share why or why not.

1. Silas tells PJ his shirt is out of style. Is this bullying? Yes or No? Why?

2. Donny found out about a very embarrassing situation involving Tori. He begins laughing and making fun of her every day at lunch. He quickly gets the entire basketball team to do the same. Is this bullying? Yes or No? Why?

3. Beth trips and falls at lunch. PJ begins laughing at her. PJ is very popular and encourages everyone to begin making fun of Beth each day when she walks into the cafeteria. Is this bullying? Yes or No? Why?

4. Mr. B missed a basket while playing ball at the gym. Officer Dave tells him he needs to get glasses. Is this bullying? Yes or No? Why?

Student Activity Sheet B

There are four types of bullying:

  • Verbal bullying is writing or saying mean or hurtful words including: teasing, taunting, threatening harm, or name-calling.
  • Social bullying involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships, and includes; telling others not to be friends with an individual, leaving someone out on purpose, embarrassing an individual, and/or spreading rumors about someone.
  • Physical bullying involves hurting a person’s body or possessions by; hitting, kicking, pinching, spitting, tripping, pushing, taking or destroying others’ possessions.
  • Cyber bullying involves using technology to say or write things that are untrue or hurtful. The bully may send inappropriate texts; insults; or post harmful personal information, pictures, or videos on social media to hurt or embarrass someone.

Directions: Think about the four types of bullying. Which do you think is most harmful? Why?

Student Activity Sheet C

Directions: How would you respond to the following bullying situations? Describe the strategy or strategies you would use to respond.

1. Donny has glasses. PJ and his group of friends begin calling Donny “Four Eyes” and trying to take Donny’s glasses every day on the bus.

2. Tori saw you at the park by yourself. She takes a video and begins sending it to all her friends and posting it on social media. She writes that you have no friends. She also insults the clothes you wear.

Student Topic Checkout

Directions: Answer the questions.

1. What are the four types of bullying?

2. Which type of bullying do you feel happens most often? Why?