Bullying Month Activities


The Team at SiLAS has put together some free Leveled “Handling A Bully” Activities. If you are a school district, teacher or parent, and would like a Free SiLAS Account for Anti-Bully Awareness month, please fill out the google form at the bottom of the page.

Sincerely, Team SiLAS

Definition: Bullying occurs when you make someone feel bad about themselves or you try to force someone to do what you want them to do.

Discussion Questions:

  • What experience have you had with bullying? Have you been bullied? Have you bullied others?
  • What are the types of bullying?
  • Using Student Responses, link the types of bullying with a brief definition (based on their understanding).

Four Types of Bullying:

Possible activities to review the discussion point:

  1. Verbal Bullying is writing or saying mean things including: teasing, taunting, threatening harm, or name-calling.
  2. Physical Bullying involves hurting a person’s body or possessions by; hitting, kicking, pinching, spitting, tripping, pushing, taking or destroying others’ possessions.
  3. Social Bullying involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships, and includes; telling others not to be friends with an individual, leaving someone out on purpose, embarrassing an individual, and/or spreading rumors about someone.
  4. Cyberbullying involves using technology to say things that might not be said in person. The bully may send inappropriate texts, insults, post on social media harmful personal information, pictures or videos to hurt or embarrass someone.

Script Writing and Animation - All Levels

In small groups or individually, have the students create scripts that demonstrate how to deal with bullying appropriately. Use the script sheet to create students scripts.

Materials Needed:

Sign Up

