Handling A Bully - 3

Lesson Plan

Goal: In social situations, the student will address a bullying situation using a rehearsed strategy in 8 out 10 observable opportunities, as measured by a teacher assessment tool.

1. Identify a situation in which bullying behavior or language is being used.
2. Respond to a situation of bullying using a learned and rehearsed strategy.

Definitions of Key Terms: Bullying is behavior or language that seeks to harm, intimidate, or control another individual.

Discussion Points:

  • Have you ever bullied someone?
  • How does bullying hurt others?
  • Have you experienced bullying?
  • What emotions might a person feel when they are bullied?
  • What happens if you witness bullying?

Review Discussion Points:

Possible activities to review the discussion points or use your own:

Think. Pair. Share: The teacher will pose questions related to the discussion points. Explain to students that the purpose of the activity is to think about the question and activate prior knowledge. The teacher will model the procedure to facilitate student understanding.

  • T (Think): Teacher begins by asking a specific question using the discussion topics.
  • P (Pair): Each student should be paired with another student, small group or work with a teacher. Pairs write brief answers on sticky notes or scrap paper.
  • S (Share): Students share their thinking with their partner. Teacher then leads a whole-group conversation using students’ answers.

SEL Categories Activity:

  • Ask students to create a list of words associated with the topic (give them 2-5 minutes to complete).
  • Once time is up, ask each student to share a word or thought from their list.
  • Other students must cross that word or thought off their list.
  • Continue the process until all words or thoughts have been listed.

Directions for In-Person or Virtual Learning: You have three options for students to complete this lesson.

  • Option 1: Print the Student Activity Sheet for each student. Complete the lesson as a group and assign the activity sheet to the students.
  • Option 2: Click the Student link to access the activity sheet electronically and post to your Learning Management System (if your school has one) or send the link to the student. The student may complete the activity sheet electronically within the classroom on a shared computer or device.
  • Option 3: Click the Student link to access the activity sheet electronically and send the link to the student. The student may access the link from a home computer, chromebook, iPad or other device.

Activity 1: What is Bullying?

Review the following information with students:

Materials Needed:
  • Student Activity Sheet A - 1 per pair of students
  • Pencil for each person

To be considered bullying behavior, it must be aggressive and include:

  • An Imbalance of Power: Use of power such as physical strength, knowledge of embarrassing information, or popularity to control or harm others
  • Repetition: Bullying behaviors happen, or have the potential to happen more than once
  • Discuss what each of those points means. Discuss examples of each.

    Divide students into partners. Allow time to complete Student Activity Sheet A. Discuss their answers when all pairs have finished.

Student Activity Sheet A

To be considered bullying behavior, it must be aggressive and include:

  • An Imbalance of Power: Use of power such as physical strength, knowledge of embarrassing information, or popularity to control or harm others
  • Repetition: Bullying behaviors happen, or have the potential to happen more than once.

Directions: Determine if each situation is bullying. Share why or why not.

1. Silas tells PJ his shirt is out of style. Is this bullying? Yes or No? Why?

2. Donny found out about a very embarrassing situation involving Tori. He begins laughing and making fun of her every day at lunch. He quickly gets the entire basketball team to do the same. Is this bullying? Yes or No? Why?

3. Beth trips and falls at lunch. PJ begins laughing at her. PJ is very popular and encourages everyone to begin making fun of Beth each day when she walks into the cafeteria. Is this bullying? Yes or No? Why?

4. Mr. B missed a basket while playing ball at the gym. Officer Dave tells him he needs to get glasses. Is this bullying? Yes or No? Why?

Activity 2: Types of Bullying

Allow students time to complete student activity sheet B. Seek volunteers to share when finished.

Materials Needed:
  • Student Activity Sheet B - 1 per person
  • Pencil for each person

There are four types of bullying:

  • Verbal bullying is writing or saying mean or hurtful words including: teasing, taunting, threatening harm, or name-calling.
  • Social bullying involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships, and includes: telling others not to be friends with an individual, leaving someone out on purpose, embarrassing an individual, and/or spreading rumors about someone.
  • Physical bullying involves hurting a person’s body or possessions by: hitting, kicking, pinching, spitting, tripping, pushing, taking or destroying others’ possessions.
  • Cyber bullying involves using technology to say or write things that are untrue or hurtful. The bully may send inappropriate texts; insults; or post harmful personal information, pictures, or videos on social media to hurt or embarrass someone.
  • Allow time to complete Student Activity Sheet B. Discuss their answers when all students have finished.

Student Activity Sheet B

There are four types of bullying:

  • Verbal bullying is writing or saying mean or hurtful words including: teasing, taunting, threatening harm, or name-calling.
  • Social bullying involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships, and includes; telling others not to be friends with an individual, leaving someone out on purpose, embarrassing an individual, and/or spreading rumors about someone.
  • Physical bullying involves hurting a person’s body or possessions by; hitting, kicking, pinching, spitting, tripping, pushing, taking or destroying others’ possessions.
  • Cyber bullying involves using technology to say or write things that are untrue or hurtful. The bully may send inappropriate texts; insults; or post harmful personal information, pictures, or videos on social media to hurt or embarrass someone.

Directions: Think about the four types of bullying. Which do you think is most harmful? Why?

Activity 3: What Can I Do?

Review the following information with students:

Materials Needed:
  • Student Activity Sheet C - 1 per student
  • Pencil for each student

Ask students how someone might feel when experiencing bullying. Record the answers on the board or chart paper. Be sure to discuss the following information with students:

  • can have many harmful effects on the individual being bullied
  • may begin to feel stressed, depressed or anxious.
  • may develop thoughts of suicide or hurting themselves.
  • may also begin to have trouble with schoolwork or problems with mood, energy level, sleep, and appetite.

Discuss the strategies a student can use when they experience bullying or when someone they know experiences it. Be sure to discuss the following:

If you or someone you know is being bullied you can:

  • Talk with a trusted adult. Adults in authority can often deal with bullying without the bully knowing how they found out about it.
  • Ignore the bully. Bullies like getting a reaction. By ignoring them you are telling them you don’t care.
  • Don’t get physical. Work out your anger in other ways such as exercising, talking to friends, or using of coping strategies.
  • Practice confidence. Use body language that sends a message that you are not vulnerable.
  • Stand up for others being bullied. Help the victim feel supported and seek help.

Allow time to complete Student Activity Sheet C. Discuss their answers when all students have finished.

Student Activity Sheet C

Directions: How would you respond to the following bullying situations? Describe the strategy or strategies you would use to respond.

1. Donny has glasses. PJ and his group of friends begin calling Donny “Four Eyes” and trying to take Donny’s glasses every day on the bus.

2. Tori saw you at the park by yourself. She takes a video and begins sending it to all her friends and posting it on social media. She writes that you have no friends. She also insults the clothes you wear.

Application Activity

Script Prompt: Develop a script and create an animation that includes two characters in a setting related to the script prompt:

Materials Needed:

The dialogue between the characters must include:

  • A scenario in which a character is bullied and the other character shows appropriate and inappropriate responses to the bullying.

Script Extensions: Click the following hyperlinks to have students choose their Characters, Background and Props prior to writing scripts. For examples of script writing accommodations, click Here.

Methods for completing this activity include (choose one or a few, depending on your students’ levels and abilities):

Script Writing Practice: Teacher-led discussion of script creation. As a group, write both an appropriate and inappropriate version of the script. In small groups or individually, have the students independently create scripts that demonstrate the script prompt. Use the script sheet to create students' scripts.

Independent Script Recording: Pair students together to complete two scripts using the same script prompt detailed above. Direct each student to take turns being character one and character two.

Animation Creation: Have students record their scripts using the SiLAS software. Remind students to name and save their work. Premiere the movies with the group members at the end of each session.

Lesson Extension: Incorporate ELA standards by discussing both spoken and written grammar rules (dialogue punctuation, correct verb tense, sentence structure, character, setting, problem, solution). Consider using both the final animation and written script as an ELA grade/assignment.

Topic Checkout

Review the key points from previous activities with the students. Allow students time to complete the Student Topic Checkout. Discuss their answers when all students have finished.

Materials Needed:
  • Student Topic Checkout - 1 per student
  • A pencil for each student

Student Topic Checkout

Directions: Answer the questions.

1. What are the four types of bullying?

2. Which type of bullying do you feel happens most often? Why?